Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bullying - Social Awareness

Bullying can have a major effect on some people whether it's physical bullying, cyber bullying or anything else. Some kids who like making friends, might take bullying to the heart and then will do some unthinkable stuff to end it all. Others may just block it out and keep on walking. But back to those who have a hard time blocking it out, they do unthinkable stuff like not to long ago, on the News, there were about 3 kids who committed suicide because they were tired of being bullied and were also scared of what would happen if they told someone and the bully found out. so for those who are getting bullied, if your having thoughts of doing bad things or worse, don't do it, find a teacher or a guardian and talk to them about it.

Poverty- Social awareness

All over the world people are poor. They may not have food to eat, or beds to sleep in, or even medicine for when they get sick. All they have is their communities, or in some cases nothing at all.
 These people struggle to live in our world, but it is to hard. They do whatever it takes not to live for that year but just to make it to tomorrow. Many countries in places like africa are affected by this state of never ending ending poverty. something i would say to do is to eat all your food, food that you waste could be food that they never got to poor countries, so don't waste.

2-voice poverty poem

A: I'm hungry, i think i'll buy some dinner.
B: I'm hungry, i wish i could buy some dinner.

A: Yum it smells so good!
B: That persons food smells so good.

A: I can eat like this all the time!
B: I can only eat once a day.

A: I don't need all this food today.
B: I must eat all this so none is wasted.
A-B: Food shouldn't be wasted.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The maze runner: Thoughts on Thomas

Thomas has a lot on his mind, having herd of the ending being triggered, feeling a sudden connection to Teresa as soon as she arrived and so much happening in such short time after he arrived in the glade. When Teresa triggered the ending, people started seeing the effects, the weekly supplies stopped arriving, the artificial sun disappeared and the gate to the maze not closing at night. After thomas and Teresa talked for a little he got a idea using the maps that the runners created. They figured something out but didn't know what to apply it to. thats when thomas thought of the only way to save the gladers... getting stung by a griever, going through the changing, and remembering about before the glade and ways to escape. i think thomas was shocked at what he saw and also thought of it to be expected.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Maze Runner short summary to chapter 10

In the maze runner, Thomas is considered special to some and a problem to others. In this book, when thomas arrives at the glade it already seemed familiar to him, and instead of staying away from others for months, he made friends right away. Unexpectedly, something that has never happened in the glade before happened. Another newcomer appears a day after, this one, the first girl ever. she has a message with her saying she's the last one ever. Thomas feels a strange connection to the girl. all this happened a day after thomas arrived then more unexpected things happened. thomas managed to kill 4 grievers and survive a entire night in the maze, something no other glader has ever done. Then the glade leader alby is stuck by a needle from a griever and has to go through the changing. It is when you get special medicine that gives you back your memory of the past before in the glade. They later hold a gathering about thomas at his actions, deciding what to do with him. Newt, the secondary leader in place of alby, decides that they need to make thomas get as much memory back as possible since so many special events happened a few days after he got there.