Monday, February 6, 2012


Paul Cezanne Poem:
Un-noticed artist
roaming about.
Seen by a few
But not the world.
Looked at differently
for his style of art.
He doesnt go 3D
but stays strong in 2D.

What happens to a bad poem, unwanted:
Does it stick in your head
and spread.
Will it drop your reputation
if told aloud.
Will people look at you differently
after hearing it.
Most likely you will look very bad.

Poetry is poem:
Poetry is what's on your mind,
Poetry is the deep thoughts of everyone.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Paul Cezanne the artist

Paul cezanne was a artist like vincent van gogh who wasnt very recognized for his style of art. in his time everybody wanted 3d paintings but he gave them unique 2d paintings. they didnt see the greatness of his art at this time making him sell only few paintings. paul cezanne was friends with van gogh because they were alike, they both werent social people. paul cezanne was told and not hired by many places because he was often mean and scary looking. he also shared a depressing life so he was just like van gogh. although he wasnt as sucsessful as van gogh, he was a inspiring great artist to the world today

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Scorch trials

As thomas goes back into a adventure with minho and newt with the new guy aris, they are still on the hunt for teresa. I can relate to thomas because he and the other gladers who escaped the the maze, had to go throught the loss of many friends and and effort finally leaving Wickeds maze. But all this seemed like it was for nothing because thomas and his friends along with aris seem to have fallen back in to Wickeds little games. So i can relate to thomas because me and thomas have both gotten out of bad things only to get put back into something worse with some kind of relation to the first problem. I think in "The Scorch Trials" thomas will hear things he doesn't want to hear, he will encounter things that is way worse than the maze and i think him and teresa might fall apart.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Scorch Trials

This is book 2 of the maze runner and already so much has gone wrong. at the end of the last book, the gladers were saved by some people who invaded wicked (people who previously had gladers) then in the beginning of the next book, those who saved them are already dead. Thomas lost his ability to do telepathy with teresa and she's also been taken back by wicked. they meet another kid who claims he was also from the maze, but no one knows him. Thomas thought after they left the glade all their troubles would be done, but thomas didn't realize that they were only half way there. with this who claims he's from the glade and the tattoos that suddenly appeared on everyones neck, and the note they found that teresa was a betrayer!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thomas cares

Thomas (In the maze runner) cares for people even if he doesn't know them. Over the book thomas does countless things that help people he bearly knows like when he saved Minho and Alby. Thomas puts the lives of others over his own. Thomas shows everyone in the glade that even though he was the greenie (new kid) he has a lot of courage.
      One example of thomas putting the lives of others over his was when he broke the number 1 rule of the glade, "No going into the maze if not a runner!". Minho and Alby went to check something in the maze, but unexpected things happened making them to far away to the gates of the glade before they closed. Thomas was watching and couldn't stand to watch  two gladers die in the maze, so in a rescue attempt thomas stepped into the maze. With all three of them being in the maze, Minho took off thinking there was no chance of survival, but thomas in his gut knew he had to try, before the grievers got them. so with alby unconscious, thomas was trying to find away to keep the grievers from alby, before they got there. he finally had the idea to get alby high up the wall so grievers wouldn't notice him. he then got the grievers attention leading them away until morning, saving alby's life with help from minho.
       Another example of his courage is him telling chuck (youngest glade) that he would do anything he can to get chuck out of the glade back to his old family. Thomas was willing to put his life on the line in order to get chuck out of the glade, out of the maze. Sadly enough as soon as they got out of the maze chuck saved thomas's life sacrificing himself. it brought thomas to tears seeing how he tried so hard to get chuck out of the glade. but this shows thomas was willing to put his life up in order to save chuck.
        In conclusion thomas has showed many times through out the book that he cared for people even if he didnt know them that well like minho and alby. thomas always thinks there is away to help giving him a optimistic characteristic.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bullying - Social Awareness

Bullying can have a major effect on some people whether it's physical bullying, cyber bullying or anything else. Some kids who like making friends, might take bullying to the heart and then will do some unthinkable stuff to end it all. Others may just block it out and keep on walking. But back to those who have a hard time blocking it out, they do unthinkable stuff like not to long ago, on the News, there were about 3 kids who committed suicide because they were tired of being bullied and were also scared of what would happen if they told someone and the bully found out. so for those who are getting bullied, if your having thoughts of doing bad things or worse, don't do it, find a teacher or a guardian and talk to them about it.

Poverty- Social awareness

All over the world people are poor. They may not have food to eat, or beds to sleep in, or even medicine for when they get sick. All they have is their communities, or in some cases nothing at all.
 These people struggle to live in our world, but it is to hard. They do whatever it takes not to live for that year but just to make it to tomorrow. Many countries in places like africa are affected by this state of never ending ending poverty. something i would say to do is to eat all your food, food that you waste could be food that they never got to poor countries, so don't waste.